Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Yes, I sent my kid to Latin Convention!

Some people think it a bit strange that I've put my daughter on a plane two years in a row to attend a Latin Convention for several days.  Homeschooling moms typically don't question the activity, but more the travel arrangements of flying alone.  Others, usually outside of the homeschooling community, seem to have trouble with why she'd even want to go. Now I realize it isn't the typical desired activity for a 14-year-old girl, but we roll a bit differently here.  This is a highly desired annual event!

She attends as part of an online school, Lone Pine Classical. The teacher lives in Colorado and all students ages 12 and up are invited to attend the Colorado Junior Classical League State Convention.  Students are required to take 3 academic tests and have many optional categories to enter for competition.

Unfortunately, she had a very early flight this year, which required her to be at the airport at 5 a.m. She had a travel partner, a local friend that also takes classes with Lone Pine.  Despite the early hour, they still were pretty excited about heading out.
This year she tried two new (to her) categories, Small Model and English Oratory.  She placed in both!  English Oratory required her to write and essay in English based on this year's convention theme, memorize it, and present it. She took 1st place in her level!  For Small Model, students needed to create a classical themed piece.  Though she's never really sculpted before, aside from a few clay creations when younger, she took 4th place for her entry of a tree nymph.
Pretty cool, eh? She was inspired by a recent art project and built upon what she learned with that project.  She started with an aluminum foil core and used Sculpy as the sculpting material. The model was lovingly wrapped to make the trip in mishandled luggage and made it safely without a curl misplaced.  Glue was also packed just in case, though!

There were other awards, both for academic tests and several group events.  Twelve students from Lone Pine attended and they returned with 74 awards all together.  No, that isn't typical.  It is just the result of a great teacher and a great group of kids!

Overall, it was a wonderful experience, even if some think it a bit strange or over the top. Will I send my kid to Latin Convention again?  You betcha!


Sheri said...

Wow! Lovely art project and man that placement there-awesome! Keep us posted on how she does there! :0) 5 am flight-not so wow...

Unknown said...

Sounds like a great trip. The art piece is wonderful.